Literally better than everything else on the page I found this on(3 I think) and it's actually not bad and teaches the lesson about the suck of mouse animation. 5/5 Would watch through rose-tinted nostalgia glasses again.
Literally better than everything else on the page I found this on(3 I think) and it's actually not bad and teaches the lesson about the suck of mouse animation. 5/5 Would watch through rose-tinted nostalgia glasses again.
That was cute =3
Maybe submit this to the audio portal? Instead of submitting this audio track as this not-a-movie-or-music-video movie?
As I do like the weird visuals I did for this, I'll probably put it into the experimental category instead of music video instead
5/5 Absolutely Brilliant!!
Are there going to be anymore sequel's to this animation or Prequel's for that matter?
It's unlikely, I think it's better off as a one off ;p
lol Needed a little music during his speech otherwise I totally enjoyed this flick ^_^
5 & 5
Um yeah slow down with the text bubbles & also a little bit of a hint that you have to click on either the angel or devil woulda been uber useful.I almost straight 0 this just because i didn't realize there was a choice to be made.oh & a decent ending would be cool too.other than that pretty decent for a 1st video.
Hilarious all the way up to the last 20 seconds or so & then it felt a little anti-climactic.But still hilarious.
Thank you for your feedback. It's appreciated :)
Idc who made this to be honest,I just love the song.But,whom ever you are,you're a kick-ass flash vid maker MAD 5s going to you good sir or madam!!!btw amazing lip-sync...erhh...pixel-sync!!!!!
^.^ I'm a nightmare of a human being. Unless I'm here. I dabble in all things on Newgrounds. I never post content in them, due to procrastination, Overall project turns out shitty or the cosmos fucking over my computer shortly after completing a project.
Driving & Philosophy
In a rainforest
Joined on 4/9/08